
Prime (Rates effective 2024-06-07) Rates
Prime Rate 6.95%
Mortgages (Rates effective 2024-07-18) Rates
1 year fixed 7.80%
2 year fixed 7.37%
3 year fixed 6.94%
4 year Fixed 6.74%
5 year Fixed 6.79%
6 month open 9.85%
RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSA's (Rates effective 2024-07-18) Rates
1 Year FIXED 4.80%
2 Year FIXED 4.55%
3 Year FIXED 4.30%
4 Year FIXED 4.20%
5 Year FIXED 4.15%
1 Year Redeemable 0.25%
0 to 4999 VARIABLE 0.10%
5000 to 9999 VARIABLE 0.15%
10000 to 24999 VARIABLE 0.20%
25000 to 49999 VARIABLE 0.25%
50000 and over VARIABLE 0.30%
Interest rates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice at any time 0.00%